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Construction Materials and Techniques

Monographs, Articles


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Frankfort, Henri; Seton Lloyd and Thorkild Jacobsen; 1940. The Gimilsin temple and the Palace of the Rulers at Tell Asmar, University of Chicago Oriental Institute Publ. Vol 43, Chicago.

Forest, Jean-Daniel; 1999. Les premiers temples de Mésopotamie (4e et 3e millénaires), Oxford, England.

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Hansen, Donald P.; 1992. “Royal building activity at Sumerian Lagash in the Early Dynastic Period,” BiblArch 55: 206-211.

Hansen, Donald P; 1978. “Al-Hiba: A summary of four seasons of excavation: 1968-1976,” Sumer 34: 72-85.

Heinrich, Ernst; 1934. Schilf und Lehm: Ein Beitrag zur Baugeschichte der Sumerer, Berlin.

Heinrich, Ernst; 1957. Bauwerke in der altsumerische Bildkunst, Weisbaden.

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Heinrich, Ernst; 1984. Paläste im Alten Mesopotamien, Deutsches Archäologishes Institut, Denkmäler Antiker Architektur 15, Berlin.

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Hill, Harold D.; Thorkild Jacobsen; Pinhas Delougaz; 1990. Old Babylonian public buildings in the Diyala region, (=OIP 98) Chicago, Illinois.

Jacobsen, Thorkild; 1989. “The Mesopotamian temple plan and the Kitîtum temple,” Eretz-Yisrael 20: 79-91.

Koldewey, R.; 1911. Die tempel von Babylon und Borsippa, Leipzig.

Kubba, S.; 1987. Mesopotamian architecture and town-planning from the Mesolithic to the end of the Proto-historic  period, c. 10,000 - 3,500 B.C. BAR International Series 367: Oxford.

Kubba, S.A.A.; 1998. Architecture and linear measurement during the Ubaid period in Mesopotamia, Oxford, England.

Lackenbacher, S.; 1982. Le roi bâtisseur, les écits de construction Assyriens dès origines à Teglathphlasar III, Paris.

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Loud, Gordon; 1936. “An architectural formula for Assyrian planning based on the results of excavations at Khorsabad”, Revue d’Assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale 33: 153-160.

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